About Us

MeshWifiReviews.com’s chief reviewer is K. Kamakau (KK), an American engi-nerd. KK has designed dozens of software systems for Fortune 1000 companies worldwide and institutions like MIT’s Digital Media Lab. He has created Internet software since 1995 and setup and configured his first WiFi systems in 1997.

KK directly reviews items and/or reviews multiple credible sources to create a useful review that just takes a couple of minutes to read over. Where possible, KK inserts a video for folks that want to dig a little deeper.

MeshWiFiReviews.com participates in Amazon’s Affiliate program to cover service expenses and does not accept advertising or paid reviews. If an item was provided at no charge for review purposes, AlexaProductReviews.com will note in the review the product was a review unit and what was done to the unit after the review.

Thanks for your interest in Mesh WiFi systems! We hope you’ll add your own comments and ratings here as well.